Saturday, February 22, 2014

winter snow

 ** Beautiful snow (even if we've had TOO MUCH of it this year) **

3rd photo below is the mountain range view,
but from the other end of town, at a higher elevation.

Here's the mountain range. 
The arrow below, indicates that dip in the range we've seen often in my mountain photos. It's where the Cross Valley Expressway (Rte 309) cuts through, connecting the "Back Mountain" (Dallas, Trucksville, etc.) with Kingston (parts seen below) on the far side of the Susquehanna River. Can't see the river here.
You  see  a bit of the corner of the city of Wilkes-Barre, close to us.
(((I posted a map in an earlier post)))

A couple of winter snow shots.
PRETTY nice if I say so myself.

This is on the turnpike. I-476 
A typical scene, where the highways (and many other roads) cut through the rocky mountains,
creating interesting patterns, and lovely contrast when there's snow.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I'm putting together a portfolio project of fog lifting one cold day in January 2014.
There's one view at Market St. Bridge looking  towards Wilkes-Barre that I'm not settled on yet.
here's the link:

Here's part of another photo that may be in that photo-documentary of that surprisingly beautiful day.